

Recommend + 宾语(被推荐事物+ to + 受体(接收建议的人或群体

1. 我向所有影迷推荐这部电影。(I recommend this movie to all movie lovers.
2. 医生为我的过敏推荐了这种药。(The doctor recommended this medicine to me for my allergies.
3. 你能推荐一本好书给我阅读吗?(Can you recommend a good book for me to read?
4. 我的朋友向我们推荐了这家餐厅,并说他们的食物很好吃。(My friend recommended this restaurant to us and said their food is delicious.
5. 为了提高我们的语言能力,老师建议我们每天学习英语。(The teacher recommended studying English every day to improve our language skills.
6. 如果你喜欢艺术和历史,我强烈建议你参观巴黎。(I highly recommend visiting Paris if you love art and history.
7. 专家建议保持均衡的饮食和规律的锻炼来维护健康。(The expert recommended a balanced diet and regular exercise for maintaining good health.
8. 我妈妈向我推荐了这种面霜,因为它对她很有效果。(My mom recommended this face cream to me because it worked well for her.
9. 委员会建议对公司的政策进行修改以提高生产力。(The committee recommended making changes to the company's policies to increase productivity.
10. 旅行社向我推荐了一个涵盖所有热门景点的旅游套餐。(The travel agent recommended a tour package that includes all the popular attractions.