随着话题或主题的慢慢演变(work around/round to sth/sb),某些人最终会抵达他们真正想要表达的内容。
他起初闲话了几句,然后才逐渐引入了真正要讨论的事情(work around to what he really wanted to say)。
他正在努力减轻体重(working at losing weight)。
学弹钢琴并不容易,需要付出努力(You have to work at it)。
融入(work sth in | work sth into sth)
尽量在讲话中多加一些笑话(work a few more jokes into your speech)。
你可以将黄油慢慢掺入到食材中(Gradually work in the butter)。
宣泄情感(work sth off)
她通过散步来释放自己的愤怒(She worked off her anger by going for a walk)。
偿还债务(work on sth)
他们有一大笔银行需要偿还掉(They have a large bank loan to work off)。
努力说服(work on sb)
他还没答应会做这件事,但我在努力劝说他(He hasn't said he'll do it yet, but I'm working on him)。
努力改善或完成(work on sth)
你需要在发音上再下点功夫(You need to work on your pronunciation a bit more)。
锻炼身体或做运动(work out)
我经常做运动以保持健康(I work out regularly to keep fit)。
成功发展(work out successfully)
我的第一份工作干得不太好,但后来事情的发展对我们很不错(My first job didn't work out well, but things have worked out quite well for us).
计算或算出(work out)
算出破产公司的资产价值其实很困难(It is proving hard to work out the value of bankrupt firms' assets).
找到答案或解决(work out a solution/answer)
谈判人员将商定一个折中方案(Negotiators are due to meet later today to work out a compromise).
你明白或理解某人的性格(work sb out)
我从未能摸透她的性格(I've never been able to work her out).