对于即将谈到的“下下周”这一表述,有些小伙伴可能觉得应该翻译成“next next week”。其实,正确的说法是“the week after the next”。
“around the clock”字面意思为“围绕时钟”,实际上是指不间断的、24小时营业的状态。比如某家酒店服务非常到位,它总有人随时待命,英文中可以说:“The hotel's service is great. There is always someone available to help you around the clock.”
“call it a day/night”这个表达可以用于暂时停止某事或表示某事已经完全结束。例如:“Right guys, you've worked really hard. I think it's time to call it a night. We'll see you all again tomorrow.”也可以用于表示感情的结束:“Neither of us was happy in the relationship, so we decided to call it a day.”
1. “against the clock”意为“争分夺秒”,意味着在有限的时间内迅速完成某项任务,例如:“I worked day and night against the clock to get this done on time.”
2. “call time”意指“暂停”或“结束”,比如在一个项目进展不顺时说:“I think we should call time on this project.”
3. “days are numbered”用来形容某人的生命已经所剩无多,如医生可能会说:“The doctors say his days are numbered. They don't have much hope of him surviving this illness.”
4. “eleventh hour”在圣经的《马太》中有所提及,意为“最后时刻”,比如“At the eleventh hour, he came first and won the race!” 而在日常生活中,我们常说的11点正确表达为“Eleven o'clock”。
5. “crunch time”指的是关键时刻,重大决定往往在这个时候做出。例如:“He knew it was crunch time, and he had to make a decision quickly.”
6. “carry the day”意味着在长时间的较量中最终获得胜利。比如:“Only those who know how to communicate clearly and powerfully carry the day.”
7. “big time”并不是指“非常多”或“很忙”,而是指数量上相当于“very much”或“a lot”。比如有人帮了你大忙后你可以说:“You owe me big time because I helped you with your school project.”
8. “hit the big time”形容某获成功或走上了成功之路。如某位歌手走红,可以说他/她"hit the big time”。又或者在职场上某人经过努力得到了认可后说,“After John hit the big time, he got recognized by many.”
9. 识别不同事物或描述某种生理特征的表达
- "five o'clock shadow"指男人脸上由于一天没有刮胡子而产生的毛发生长现象。告诉人们如果准备参加正式场合或者面试等场合,要时刻保持面部清洁与修剪整齐,例如说:“你该刮刮胡子啦!”用英文则表示为:“You can't go for your interview with a five o'clock shadow! Go and have a shave!”
- "a whale of a time"意味着某人过得非常愉快、尽兴,例如说:“这个主题公园太好玩了!我度过了一个美好的时光!”用英文表达为:“The theme park was so much fun. I had a whale of a time!”
10. 描述长期持续的状态或习惯
- "year in, year out"表示年复一年地发生某事,如“我们的家庭度假总是那么无聊,年复一年都去同一个地方!”用英文表达为:“Our family holidays are so boring. Year in, year out we go to the same holiday resort and stay in the same old hotel!”
11. 描述差一点或差之毫厘的情况
- “a day late and a dollar short”意味着事情发生得稍晚一些或者资金稍显不足。比如你找到了一份新工作后,另一份工作才发offer,“就差一点呀!”可以用此英语表达:“They offered me a contract after I'd already accepted another job offer – a day late and a dollar short!”
12. 罕见情况的表达