1. 让过去的事情成为历史,释放你的未来。为现在的美好而活,不为过去的失去而忧虑。
Let the past be just a memory, freeing your future. Live for what is present and good, rather than dwelling on what was lost.
2. 痛苦是生命的证明,错误是人之常情。只要坚持不懈,希望之花永不会凋谢。
Pain is a testament to life, and mistakes are a part of being human. As long as you persist, the flower of hope will never fade.
3. 美好的事物总是眷顾那些心怀信念的人,更好的事物则偏爱有耐心的人,而最好的事物总是伴随着那些永不言弃的人。
Good things are drawn to those with a belief in their hearts. Better things await the patient. And the best things always come to those who refuse to give up.
4. 最终,我们悔恨的只是那些未曾把握的机遇、那些未曾勇敢追求的情感,以及那些拖延过久而做出的决定。
In the end, our regrets are primarily for the opportunities we missed, the relationships we were afraid to pursue, and the decisions we delayed too long.
5. 坚强的人并非不流泪,而是在泪水中洗礼后再次站起,继续战斗。
A strong person may weep, but they rise again after being washed by tears and continue to fight.
6. 细数你的福分,练习善良的行为。放下无法控制的,听从内心的指引。努力工作,但保持冷静。深呼吸,平静内心。
Count your blessings, practice kindness. Let go of what's uncontrollable and listen to your inner voice. Be productive but remain calm. Take a deep breath and find .
7. 我深知,即使我失败了,我也不会对此感到后悔。但有一件事我可能会后悔,那就是未曾尝试。
I understand that I won't regret failing. But there's one thing I might regret: not trying.
8. 让我们总是以笑容相待,因为微笑是爱的起点。
Let us always meet with smiles, for it is through smiles that love begins.
9. 愿你的人生之路鲜花常伴,阳光普照每一天。愿幸福永远充盈你心间。