



1. 表达观点

  • In my perspective: “In my perspective, the sea is the most serene place.”(在我看来,大海是最宁静的地方。)
  • From my understanding: “From my understanding, the universe is vast and endless.”(从我的理解来看,宇宙是广阔无垠的。)
  • As per my observation: “As per my observation, plants grow best in sunshine.”(据我观察,植物在阳光下长得最好。)

2. 表达让步

  • Despite the fact that...: “Despite the fact that it’s challenging, I’m still trying.”(尽管有挑战,我仍在尝试。)
  • Even with...: “Even with all the obstacles, they still managed to succeed.”(即使有种种障碍,他们仍然成功。)
  • Although...: “Although she’s tired, she still keeps going.”(虽然她累了,但她仍在继续前进。)

3. 表达目的

  • To achieve...: “I practice English to achieve better communication skills.”(我练习英语是为了提高沟通能力。)
  • For the purpose of...: “I wake up early every day for the purpose of having a productive morning.”(我每天早起的目的是为了过个有效率地早晨。)

4. 表达结果

  • Consequently: “He missed breakfast, consequently, he was hungry all day.”(他没吃早餐,因此他整天都饿了。)
  • As a result of...: “As a result of his hard work, he got promoted.”(由于他的努力工作,他得到了晋升。)
  • Hence: “It was raining outside, hence we decided to stay indoors.”(外面下雨了,因此我们决定待在室内。)

5. 表达对比

  • Contrastingly: “Contrastingly, he prefers reading books while she prefers watching movies.”(相反的是,他喜欢读书而她喜欢看电影。)
  • Nevertheless: “She enjoys swimming; nevertheless, her sister hates water.”(她喜欢游泳,但她的妹妹却很讨厌水。)
  • In contrast to...: “In contrast to the city life, he prefers the quietness of the countryside.”(与城市生活相比,他更喜欢乡村的宁静。)

6. 增加观点

  • Furthermore: “She’s very intelligent. Furthermore, she’s also kind-hearted.”(她很聪明。她还心地善良。)
  • In addition to...: “In addition to cooking, she also enjoys painting.”(除了烹饪外,她还喜欢画画。)
  • Also note that...: “Learning a new language is essential for personal growth. Also note that it can be a fun challenge too.”(学习新语言对个人成长至关重要。也要记住这其实是一种有趣地挑战。)

7. 解释说明原因或理由的词汇列表。