




percent 的用法

1. n. 百分之...

例如:百分之二十:twenty percent


2. 常用结构:数字 + percent of + (the名词/代词

3. 注意:百分数做主语时,谓语动词的单复数取决于后面的名词。如果名词是可数名词复数,动词用复数;如果名词是不可数名词,动词用单数。

  1. — How many students in your school like reading?

    — Seventy _____, I think.

    A. percents

    B. percent

    C. percents

  2. About _____ the water on the earth can't be used directly.

    A. 90 percent of

    B. 90 percent

    C. 90 percents of

  3. One percent of the students _____ trying to pass the math test.

    A. is

    B. are

    C. was

  4. Sixty percent of the people’s food _____ from the sea.

    A. come

    B. are

    C. comes

  5. About eighty percent of milk ______ (be) sent (被送) to the big factory every day.

  6. 百分之五十的水都被汤姆喝了。

    ______ _______ ______ the water was drunk by Tom.

    = _______ of the water was drunk by Tom.


  1. B
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. is
  6. Fifty percent of ; Half

作者:王兴刚老师(公众号|头条号|抖音号:王老师英语教学,英语教师,从事教学 16 年。本号日常推文主要包括:初高中英语知识的梳理和剖析,中高考英语考点的讲解与总结。推文主要面向中高考学生,每日分享学生们能够实实在在用得到的英语知识,特别适合双减后能够独立学习的初高中生!