all in是什么意思


想学习如何像英语母语者一样说话吗? 掌握习语和短语是关键!这篇文章将介绍一些使用名词“heart”的常见英语习语和短语,每个都附带定义和例句,帮助你轻松理解和运用。

all in是什么意思

图片来源: Gabrielle Henderson@gabriellefaithhenderson/unsplash

Break Someone's Heart 💔
定义: 深深地伤害某人,通常指感情方面,也可以指造成巨大的失望。
例句 1: Angela broke Brad's heart last year. He can't get over her. (安吉拉去年伤了布拉德的心,他还没走出来。
例句 2: I think losing the job broke his heart. (我认为失业让他心碎。)
Cross Your Heart and Hope to Die 🤞
定义: 表示你发誓所说的话是真实的。
例句 1: I cross my heart and hope to die. She's coming tomorrow! (我发誓,她明天一定会来!)
例句 2: Do you cross your heart and hope to die? I won't believe you otherwise. (除非你心划十字,以死起誓,否则我不会相信你的。)
Eat Your Heart Out 😜
定义: 表示嫉妒或羡慕某人。
例句 1: I'm going to New York next week. Eat your heart out! (我下周要去纽约。羡慕吧!)
例句 2: When he hears about your promotion he'll eat his heart out. (当他听到你升职的消息时,肯定羡慕得不得了。)
Follow Your Heart ❤️
定义: 做你认为正确的事,听从你的内心。
例句 1: I think you should follow your heart and move to Chicago. (我认为你应该听从你的内心,搬去芝加哥。)
例句 2: She said she had to follow her heart and marry Peter, even if her parents didn't approve. (她说,即使她的父母不同意,她也必须听从自己的内心嫁给彼得。)
From the Bottom of My Heart 💖
定义: 通常用于第一人称,表示你是完全真诚的。
例句 1: You're the best player on the basketball team. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. (你是篮球队最好的球员。我是真心的。)
例句 2: I think you are a wonderful person. Really, I mean that from the bottom of my heart. (我觉得你是个很棒的人,真的,我是真心的。)
Get at the Heart of the Matter 🎯
定义: 讨论主要问题或关键点。
例句 1: I'd like to get at the heart of the matter by discussing our marketing proposals. (我想通过讨论我们的营销方案来直击问题核心。)
例句 2: She didn't waste any time and got right to the heart of the matter. (她没有浪费时间,直接进入主题。)
Be Halfhearted About Something 😐
定义: 对某事不认真或不投入。
例句 1: I wish you weren't so halfhearted about this new project! Get serious! (我希望你不要对这个新项目这么不上心!认真点!)
例句 2: She was rather halfhearted in her attempts to find a job. (她在找工作时态度相当漫不经心。)
Have a Change of Heart 🔄
定义: 改变主意。
例句 1: Fred had a change of heart and invited the young boy into his home. (弗雷德改变了主意,邀请那个小男孩到他家里去。)
例句 2: I wish you would have a change of heart about Tim. He really deserves some help. (我希望你能改变对蒂姆的看法,他真的需要帮助。)
Have a Heart of Gold 💛
定义: 心地善良,乐于助人。
例句 1: My grandmother has a heart of gold. She’s always helping people in need. (我祖母有一颗金子般的心,她总是帮助那些需要帮助的人。)
例句 2: He may seem tough on the outside, but he has a heart of gold. (他外表看起来可能很强硬,但内心却很善良。)
关于“心”的英语习语 (Idioms about "Heart" in English)

1. Have a Heart of Gold

含义: 形容人善良、慷慨、值得信赖。(To be kind, generous and trustworthy.)
Peter has a heart of gold if you give him the chance to prove himself. (如果你给彼得机会证明自己,你会发现他非常善良。)
You can trust her. She has a heart of gold. (你可以信任她,她有一颗金子般的心。)

2. Have a Heart of Stone

含义: 形容人冷酷无情、铁石心肠。(To be cold, unfeeling and unforgiving.)
She'll never understand your position. She has a heart of stone. (她永远不会明白你的处境,她铁石心肠。)
Don't expect any pity from me. I have a heart of stone. (别指望我会同情你,我铁石心肠。)

3. Have a Heart-to-Heart Talk

含义: 进行坦诚、深入的对话。(To have an open and honest conversation.)
I think it's time we had a heart-to-heart talk about your grades. (我认为我们该好好谈谈你的成绩了。)
She called her friend Betty to have a heart-to-heart talk with her about her problems. (她打电话给朋友贝蒂,想和她谈谈自己的问题。)

4. Have Your Heart in the Right Place / One's Heart in the Right Place

含义: 心地善良,出于好意。(To have good intentions.)
Come on, you know John has his heart in the right place. He just made a mistake. (别这样,你知道约翰是好意,他只是犯了个错误。)

5. Know Something by Heart / Learn Something by Heart

含义: 熟记于心,背诵。(To memorize something perfectly.)
He knew all his lines by heart two weeks before the performance. (演出前两周,他就把所有的台词都背熟了。)
You need to learn this piece by heart next week. (下周之前,你得把这篇文章背熟。)

6. Have One's Heart Set on Something / Set Against Something

含义: 非常渴望/反对某事。(To really want/not want something.)
She has her heart set on winning the medal. (她一心想赢得这枚奖牌。)
Frank has his heart set against his promotion. There's nothing I can do to help him. (弗兰克坚决反对升职,我帮不了他。)

7. One's Heart Misses a Beat / One's Heart Skips a Beat

含义: 感到震惊或惊喜。(To feel a sudden jolt of surprise or shock.)
My heart missed a beat when I heard the news that she was pregnant. (当我听到她怀孕的消息时,我的心咯噔一下。)
She was so surprised by the announcement that her heart skipped a beat. (她对这个消息感到非常惊讶,心跳都漏了一拍。)

8. Pour One's Heart Out

含义: 向某人倾诉衷肠。(To tell someone your deepest feelings and secrets. )
I poured my heart out to Tim when I discovered that I hadn't received the promotion. (当我发现自己没有升职时,我向蒂姆倾诉了我的心声。)
I wish you would pour your heart out to someone. You need to get these feelings out. (我希望你能向某人倾诉,你需要把这些情绪发泄出来。)

9. Take Heart

含义: 鼓起勇气,振作起来。(To be courageous and not lose hope.)
You should take heart and try your best. (你应该振作起来,尽你所能。)
Take heart. The worst is over. (振作起来,最糟糕的已经过去了。)