1. 回忆 & 同意
That rings a bell. (我好像有点印象了。)
That sounds like a good idea. (这主意听起来不错。)
2. 态度 & 看法
That's all right. (没关系。/ 不用谢。)
That's disgusting. (真恶心!)
That's fair. (这很公平。)
That's for sure. (那是肯定的。)
That's good to know. (很高兴知道这件事。)
That's just what I was thinking. (我也是这么想的。 / 英雄所见略同!)
That's life. (这就是生活。)
That's more like it. (这才像话嘛!)
That's not true. (那不是真的!/ 你胡说!)
That's OK. (可以。/ 没关系。)
That's ridiculous. (太荒谬了!)
That's the way I look at it, too. (我也是这么看的。)
That's the way it is. (事情就是这样。)
That's worthwhile. (那很值得。)
3. 其他表达
The same to you. (你也一样。)
The shortest answer is doing. (行动起来就是最好的回答。/ 少说多做。)
The sooner, the better. (越快越好。)
There is a call for you. (有人打电话找你。)
There is no doubt about it. (毫无疑问。)
There's a possibility. (有可能。)