和某人野餐翻译 和某人一起吃晚饭英语翻译


和某人野餐翻译 和某人一起吃晚饭英语翻译

Unit 4 Having fun

一、 关键短语

1. 为某人买……可以表达为 buy sth. for sb. 或 buy sb. sth.。

例如:Linda wants to buy her cousin a toy car. = Linda wants a toy car for her cousin.

2. 试穿的表达是 try on sth.,也可以用 try sth. on 来表示。

例如:Maria tried on the coat in a clothes shop.

3. 穿上这件外套很漂亮,可以说:The coat looks very nice on you.

4. 对于确定购买的决定可以说:That’s fine. We’ll take it.

5. 表达随便看看,可以用:I am just looking.

6. “你在开玩笑吗?”的中文表达是:Are you kidding?

7. think 的意思是想或认为;think about 表示考虑;think of 则表示想法或认为。

例如:Kangkang thinks Li Ming’s is good. I’ll think about it. What do you think of this yellow skirt?

8. 对于感谢的表达,可以用:Thank you still.

9. 常用的活动表达有 get some water(取水)、fly a kite(放风筝)、sing some songs(唱歌)、get up(起床)、meet friends at home(在家和朋友见面)、go home(回家)、have a picnic(去野餐)、go fishing(去钓鱼)、go shopping(购物)、go to the zoo(去动物园)、go to the West Hill(去西山)、visit a friend(拜访朋友)、do one’s homework(做作业)、take one’s order(点菜)、call … back(回电话)、take some bread(带一些面包)、the Monkey Show(看猴子表演)。

10. 请求某人做事的表达:ask sb. to do sth.。

例如:Could you ask her to call me back this evening?

11. 需要某事的表达:need sth. 或 need to do sth.。

例如:We need to help them with their English. What do we need? --- We need two kilos of apples and some rice.

12. 表达必须做某事时用 have/has to do sth.。

例如:Kangkang has to cook. Kangkang doesn’t have to cook.

13. 节省或攒钱的表达是 save。促销广告中经常见到的如“大降价!买得多,省得多!”可以用 Big sale! Buy more and save more!

例如:Ben can save ¥5.

14. 位置的表达:here 表示这里,there 表示那里。

例如:The clothes are over there, madam. Where is Baby Monkey’s home? --- It’s here.

15. 有时间的表达:be free = have time。

例如:Are you free this Sunday? = Do you have any time this Sunday?

16. 表达该做某事的时间时,用 It’s time to do sth. 或 It’s time for sth.。

例如:It’s time to have breakfast. = It’s time for breakfast.

17. 对于感谢的表达:Thank you for your help. = Thank you for helping.

18. 时间的表达:this Sunday/ morning / afternoon / evening at eight o’clock 表示在八点整;in the morning / afternoon / evening 表示在早上/下午/晚上;on Sunday morning 表示在星期天早上。

19. 回家的路上可以说 on one’s way home;上学的路上用 on one’s way to school。

例如:Buy some eggs and rice on your way home. The Baby Monkey can’t find his way home.

二、 关键句型

1. 实用的购物表达:

1) Can I help you? / May I help you? --- Yes, please. I want to buy some clothes for my daughter. / I like the red coat. --- I’m just looking, thanks.

2) What can I do for you? --- I want a T-shirt for my son.

3) Can I try it on? / Why not try them on? --- Sure / No problem. (Maria tries on the dress.)

4) That’s fine. We’ll take it.

5) 280 yuan! Are you kidding? I’ll think about it. Thank you all the same.

6) Could you help me do some shopping? --- Sure. What do we need?

7) Is that all? --- Yes, that’s all.

8) It’s too heavy. Let me help you.

2. 询问对事物的意见:

How do you like this pair of pants? What do you think of the pants? --- They’re too long. / I don’t like it at all. How about the blue one?

3. 询问数量:

How much + 不可数名词 + …? How many + 复数名词 + …?

例如:We need some apples. How many do you need? We need two bags of rice. How much rice do you need?

4. 询问价格:

How much is …? --- It’s ….

例如:How much is the bread? --- It’s three yuan a loaf. How much are the shoes? --- They are 280 yuan.

5. 询问重量:

How much is it? --- It’s one kilo a bag.

6. 打电话的常用表达:

1) Who is this, please? --- This is Sally.

2) May I speak to Maria? --- Sorry, she isn’t available now.

3) Are you free this Sunday? --- Yes. What’s up?

4) Would you like to go to the West Hill with us?

5) Could you ask/tell him to call me back?